Repair & Conversion

Repairyards worldwide

Representing well-reputated repair yards worldwide PETER GAST SHIPPING offers you cooperative and reliable global 24h service from our office in Hamburg. With many years experience in ship repair business, our skilled team manages to find a suitable solution even for huge and complicated projects.

We know how to solve problems occurring through delays. We choose the right yard for huge steelwork. Loaded condition? We will even fix that to your full satisfaction. Drydocking, conversion, class renewal, underwater survey, collision damage, grounding with need for salvage support and nearby repair yard, voyage or afloat repairs, case of emergency or anything in between ...

Shipyards all over the world:

Argentine   •   Bahamas   •   Belgium   •   Brasil   •   Bulgaria   •   Canada   •   Chile   •   China   •   Croatia   •   Germany   •   Hong Kong   •   India   •   Italy   •   Japan   •   Kenya   •   Martinique   •   Montenegro   •   Oman   •   Panama   •   Poland   •   Portugal   •   Romania   •   Singapore   •   South Africa   •   Spain   •   Tunisia   •   Turkey   •   USA (east & west coast)   •   Venezuela   •   Vietnam  


Dieter Gast

T: +49 40 37 49 89 -20
M: +49 175 4060440

Hans-Joachim Lemcke

T: +49 40 37 49 89 -16
M: +49 175 4060442

Nick Zetzsche

T: +49 40 37 49 89 -28
M: +49-160 464 75 25

Sanem Söz

T: +49 40 37 49 89 -18
M: +49 171 811 989 9

Alexander Gast

T: +49 40 37 49 89 -19
M: +49 171 64 71 790